Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tips to Improve Your English Pronunciation

These days, the English language is being used as a secondary or second language by many non-native speakers around the world. Since English has gone on to become the language of choice for communication between the people of different countries, it is a good decision to learn English as a second language.

The primary benefit of English language is that it is easy to learn. The task is made easier if you're able to find good resources to learn English.

Many people face a lot of difficulty while trying to learn English word pronunciation. The biggest reason for this is that many words of the language are not pronounced the same way as they are spelt. Hence, you may have to concentrate on learning the correct pronunciation of words while learning English. However, by regular practice, you will be able to get a good hold on the words.

To do your best in the shortest amount of time possible, you can follow the following tips.

Keep the grammar part as easy as it could be. Start by leaning and following basic grammar rules. Do not opt for learning long and complex sentences to begin with as they make the language appear more complicated than it really is. Your primary objective in the beginning is to speak English as fast and as fluently as possible.

Secondly, as I told you before, not all words are pronounced as they are spelt. Hence, lay emphasis on learning the right pronunciation for every new word that you learn. Polish your English speaking skills by pronouncing each and every word clearly and correctly until you memorize it by heart. Remember, proper speech is the next logical step after you've grasped the basics of English properly.

Finally, find a person who has good English. Preferably, find someone who is a native English speaker and who can speak the language fluently. Practice by communicating with him or her. Use all your knowledge and experience that you've gained till now and try to make sure you speak as fluently as possible. One thing to remember is that it's perfectly alright to mispronounce a word or two or even more. This is quite normal when you're just starting out and will go away with regular practice. Make mental notes of where you go wrong while communicating and correct those mistakes the next time you speak.

Do not feel uncomfortable even when you are talking to a native English speaker. Stick to the basic rules of English grammar and use proper sentences and word forms. This is the best way to speak flawless English. Avoid complex sentences which may confuse you and make things even more

difficult. Only when you've cleared your basics and practiced speaking with native English speakers a lot should you move to complex sentences. Focus on improving your English speaking capabilities and then move to other areas.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Benefits of Sujood

For thanking the Creator, for preventing a crisis, for healing sickness and diseases, for eliminating a problem, a Muslim prostrates, makes Sujood, to Allah (swt). A Muslim thanks Allah (swt) daily and regularly. A Muslim's methods of thanks and appreciations could be the minimum, saying verbally: "Subhana Rabbil ah'lah (Praise be to Allah)," (swt) or the maximum, i.e. of prostrating to Allah. During prostration, a person glorifies Allah, exalts Him, praises Him, and surrenders to Him.

Prostration is to Allah (swt) alone. No prostration is to be performed in front of any king, royal highness, president, or any other leader. Those individuals should also make sujood to Allah alone, and they should not allow anyone to bow to them or to prostrate to them. There are many medical benefits of prostration. As Muslims, one must pray five times a day. During the process of prayer, a Muslim must first stand erect; then bow forward; then prostrate on the floor where the whole body is bent; and then sit down on the floor to recite Tashahhud, Salat- Ibrahim, and other Du'as. All of these movements help the Muslims to have the least amount of arthritic problems on their bodies.

Salat postures corresponding to the word Adam


Another interesting feature of the salat (prayer) is that the course of assuming three main positions (qiyam, rukuh, and sajdah) one makes the physical shapes of the Arabic Alif, Dal, and Mim. These spell the word Adam, the name of the first created human and the first prophet (a.s.).

People are exposed daily to many different problems. They may also be exposed to many electrostatic charges from the atmosphere. These charges are affect the central nervous systems (CNS) supersaturating it. One has to rid themselves of these extra charges, otherwise, they will have headaches, neck aches, muscle spasms, etc. The best way to get rid of these extra electrostatic charges is by dissipating them and discharging them from the body. In as much as an electrical appliance is in need of grounding (or "earthing") by the use of an electric cord, a human being has to "earth" him/herself to the ground as well. By putting, his/her forehead on the ground, because the thinking capacity of the brain is in the forelobe and not the topmost portion of the brain, one dissipates the extra electrostatic charges from the brain and the central nervous system to the ground. Therefore, one will receive piece of mind and soul. By doing prayer five times a day, with each prayer having several prostrations in it, a person will undoubtedly feel more peace, happiness, and relaxation. This type of approach does not cost money and does not have any side effects. It is very natural. This is the best method for allowing a person to continue to live in peace, harmony, obedience, and happiness for the rest of his/her life.

Above all, a Muslim who performs prostration on the floor as a sign of obedience will attain tremendous rewards and blessings from our Creator, Allah Almighty.

Thursday, September 18, 2008



Ramadan is one of the most important events in Islam. It is also one of the most anticipated and exciting holidays of the year. Just like any other large holiday, excitement starts to build weeks before the month actually begins! It officially begins when the first silver crescent of the calendar 9th month's moon is spotted in the night sky. What if we made a resolution to Allah that this Ramadan is the beginning of the new me? As others make their resolutions for New Year, Ramadan would be a starting point as a new resolution for Muslims.

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking and smoking during daylight hours. Fasting in this way allows Muslims and their families' time to revitalize many of the teachings of the Qur'an in their lives. By fasting, Muslims have an opportunity to focus on many lessons that make up the very tenets of their religion; some of the most important lessons are self-control, inner reflection and the importance of charity. Muslims often make a special effort to donate money, food, and goods to charities or people in their community during the month of Ramadan.

Just as fasting is an opportunity to learn the lessons of Qur'an, so is the daily ritual of breaking the fast. Suhoor (breakfast) and Iftar (evening meal) are times to bask in the importance of community and family, and to experience thankfulness for the good things that are in their lives. During Ramadan, the morning and evening meals are treasured because they offer the chance for family and friends to eat and celebrate together. People meet at the Mosque or in each other's homes and appreciate the unity of Islam.

Of all the deeds we keep ourselves busy with, it is only fasting which Allah considers purely for Himself. This means that fasting is a gift from you to Allah! When you give a gift to someone you love, you make it as special as you can ... even choosing the best wrapping paper. What about giving a gift to Allah!

Try to make each day you fast as special as you can. How? Pray on time, give a charity each day, DON'T COMPLAIN, fill your day with deeds that you know Allah loves. And stay away from the things you know He hates such as backbiting, gossiping, lying, etc. Instead let us reflect people who are actually starving without a meal at the end of the day.

People need to understand that we are brothers one of another in our faith. There is only one God no matter what. No matter how you relate to Him, Our God is your God.

Make your "wrapping paper" taqwa (God-Consciences) and fast a day that you can be proud of. Remind yourself that you are not just fasting to get to maghrib and eat, your are not just fasting because everyone else is, you are not fasting to lose weight. You are fasting for ALLAH. (And be sure Allah knows exactly why you are fasting). This is your time to give Him something back for all He gave you. You give such nice gifts to your friends. But He is Allah. Why not give Him the best gift that you can?

We would like to ask each of our readers to remember us in your Duhas. May Allah strengthen our remembrance in Him, and help us strive to become better Muslims, Ameen.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Writing Your Marketing Blog

What makes blogs so special? Why do the search engines seem to like them so much? The answer is content. A good marketing blog is updated all the time, quickly and easily. Content is king. We've heard that stated time and time again, but repetition does not make the statement invalid. Search engines love content, and good marketing blogs keep feeding them exactly what they crave. Who wouldn't get bored with the same old static pages? But as you write your blog, and if you write it well, you'll be able to impress both your clients and the search engines.

And now for the one qualifier. Content may be king, but content alone is like a figure-head king who talks a lot but doesn't get anything done. For the monarchy to be effective, you have t actually write good and appropriate content.

The first step to write a marketing blog is to set your goals and know why you blog. What this means is that you have to understand that a blog is not an open invitation to post sales material and self congratulatory tripe. The purpose of your blog should certainly be to inform, but it is also an opportunity to communicate with your clients. Search engines may like blogs because of constantly updated content, but customers have come to trust blogs because they feel like this is a chance to “get to know” the company – not subject themselves to more mindless sales material.

When you are writing content for your marketing blog you need to keep a few things in mind. First of all, a business blog, while not exactly creative writing, is not really technical writing either. Everyone has their own style and, depending on the subject matter of the blog, different styles are appropriate for different industries. But in general, a blog should be written in a more conversational tone. This will help you avoid the marketing-speak that can otherwise creep into a valid article.

Next, make sure that your grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills are regularly exercised. All you have to do is spend some time visiting forums or reading blog replies to know that most Internet users don't have the best grammar or vocabulary in the world. This does not, however, mean that you can allow your blog to slip down to the same level. You are being held to a higher standard as a content publisher than you would be as a normal visitor. And visitors will recognize poor grammar in others, even when they don't practice it themselves.

Now, what do you write about? Obviously a marketing blog is going to be heavy with articles about products or services. This is the perfect place to discuss your new endeavors, as long as you remember to keep it a discussion. People can get advertisements anywhere. They don't need them and, more importantly, they don't want them from your blog.

So now you've got some keyword-rich content. That's good for search engines. But have you got interesting content. Because that is good for actual visitors.

Studies have shown that the number one reason for reading a blog is the quality of the reading. Simple popularity isn't enough to attract and/or keep you readers coming back.

So what constitutes interesting content? That's a very subjective question and can be determined by the industry you're in or the audience you are targeting.

News items are a good choice, whether company news or industry news. Just make sure you're presenting something of value, not just a retelling of someone else's post. How does it relate to you? How does it relate to your customers.

“How To” articles are also a good idea. Let your clients know how to best use your product or service. Or you could even present new uses they may not have thought of.

Lists are popular additions in blogs. Whether it's 10 ways to use the product or seven weird things about your industry, they are a useful addition because they are easy for visitors to scan and enjoy and often attract linking or bookmarking.

There are countless other possibilities for a well maintained marketing blog, but it is equally important that you maintain a high level of writing quality if you want your blog to be a truly effective marketing tool.

Source: Free Articles

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Easy Guide To Blogs

Almost everyone doing some sort of business online seems to have a blog these days, they have become very popular and with good reason: a lot of money can be made with a couple of blogs. If they’re not blogging for fun they are certainly blogging for cash. It has become so popular that a lot of people now use only blogs instead of the traditional website to get things done. Blogs can be used to promote businesses get information about anything or you can even give your opinion about anything. The good thing about blogs is that they are constantly updated with fresh information and ideas, that is, if the blog is maintained correctly by the owner – This is what makes them so popular with the search engines. Blogs usually get high ranking on the search engines because of the constant update of information. Search Engines love fresh content and if it’s on your blog first then your blog will be the first to get listed and ranked.

A Few Advantages of having a Blog

1. Blogging can be an excellent form of advertising for your products or business

2. Blogs are so easy to set up and they are free.

3. They usually get very high rankings in the search engines.

4. They usually contain constant updates with relevant information.

5. Blogs can be an excellent cash generator.

Anyone doing business online should by now have a blog or two or three, and if not they should start blogging as soon as they can. It is an excellent way to get your business out there and be noticed. Good Increases in sales usually follow a good blog promotion. There are a lot of ways to make a lot of money using only blogs. You can sell products related to your blog, or even unrelated. People have lots of different interests. You can advertise for someone else by placing their banners or text ad on your blog. You can also use Adsense ads to generate extra income.
Creating and starting a blog is very easy, it can be a lot of fun and exciting, especially when you start making some money from your efforts.

For a blog to be effective you must remember to update your blog quite often; every day is good or every other day. It definitely needs to be updated at least once a week. It’s important to update it. Your blog has to be filled with useful and interesting information that makes sense to people and they can use or learn from the information on your blog. Write about your area of expertise, topic or business area.

Blogs are great, but like everything else, in order to be any good at it, you will need to learn about it. Especially if you are a complete newbie at blogging, but don’t worry, it is so fast and easy to learn. If you want to know all you need to know about blogging then I would recommend you take a look the Bloggers Guide below.

Source: Free Articles

Autor: dave1

How to Hear English Everywhere

Two simple definitions

  • to hear: to receive sound with the ears
  • to listen: to try to hear

You are very good at languages. That's obvious, because you already speak one language very well - your own! And if you can learn and speak one language well, then you can certainly learn and speak one or more other languages.

But did you ever ask yourself: "How did I learn my own language?" In fact, you never really "learned" it at all - you just started speaking it. One day, when you were about two or three years old, you started speaking your language. A few words at first, not full sentences. But you spoke. And very soon you made progress without even thinking about it. It was like magic!

But it wasn't magic. It was the result of hearing. For two to three years before you spoke, you heard people speaking your language all day, and maybe all night. You heard people speaking your language. Maybe you listened to people, but more importantly you heard. them. Then, as if by magic, you started to speak. All that hearing was necessary for you to start speaking. For two to three years words went IN to your head. Then words came OUT of your head! That is why hearing (and listening to) English as much as possible is so important to you now. The more English you put in, the more you'll get out!

So how can you hear a lot of English when you're not in an English-speaking country or family? Fortunately, there are many ways of hearing English in almost all countries of the world.


You can receive English language radio in most countries. Two of the best international networks are the BBC World Service and Voice of America. Both of them have special programmes for learners of English. You can find information about times and frequencies for your country on their web sites. Click here for links to radio stations.


TV is an excellent resource for hearing and listening to English. The pictures help you understand what is being said. If you don't have access to English-language TV, you may be able to watch TV on Internet.


It is now a lot easier to hear English by Internet. If you're reading this at your computer, you can probably listen to some English-language radio news right now, without even moving! To be able to listen to radio on the Internet, you'll need to have special software called a "player" installed in your computer. Most sites work with two players - the RealPlayer from RealNetworks and the Windows Media Player from Microsoft. Don't worry. Both these players are free and you may already have them installed on your computer.


Songs in English are everywhere, even on foreign-language radio and TV stations. Listen to them often. Buy some cassettes or CDs, or make recordings, and try to write the words for an entire song. But choose one that is not too difficult. That means it should be reasonably slow, and with real words sung clearly. Some pop songs are very unclear and are difficult even for native English-speakers to understand fully!


Outside the English-speaking world, many large cities have cinemas that show films in English, usually with sub-titles. Make it a habit to go to these films. If you need to read the sub-titles, at least you'll be hearing English even if you don't understand it.


Video has one really great advantage. You can play it again . . . and again. You can use video to watch film cassettes that you buy or borrow. If there are sub-titles, you can cover them with paper (which you can remove if you really don't understand after listening several times). And you can use video to record programmes from television and then watch them several times to improve your understanding.


Try to make friends with English-speaking people so that you can practise your English through conversation. Of course, this will practise your speaking as well as your listening. And if you don't have a lot of time to go out and meet people, at least you can chat a little by telephone.

Finally, don't worry if you don't understand everything you hear. Hearing comes first! Understanding comes next!

(taken from

Monday, August 25, 2008

Indonesian Food ( Nasi Goreng)

Ivan talks about three foods that are really popular in Indonesian cuisine.

Todd: OK, Ivan, we are talking about your country,Indonesia. Can you recommend three Indonesian foods for people that visityour country?

Ivan: Ooh, that can be a difficult question because we have lots of variety of foods and it depends on your taste. I mean, if you like sweet foods we have a specialty for that and if you like spicy food also there’s a specialty for that, salty, anything,anything you want. But usually people
go for… OK, first is Nasi Goreng. Nasi Goreng is a fried rice and I think it’s quite popular anywhere else in the world if it goes for… if you want to promote Indonesian food. Yeah…

Todd: It’s called Nasi Goreng?

Ivan: Nasi Goreng, yeah. Nasi is rice, goreng is fry.

Todd: Oh, really?

Ivan: So it’s fried rice.

Todd: Nasi Goreng.

Ivan: And then next one is Mi Goreng. Mi goreng is noodles. It’s fried noodles, Mi and goreng. Mi is noodles and goreng is fry, yeah.

Todd: OK, so Mi Goreng and Nasi Goreng.

Ivan: Yeah, and last one is maybe Satay.

Todd: Oh, I think we call it Satay.

Ivan: Yeah, Satay, yeah.

Todd: But you say it differently.

Ivan: Yeah, Satay.

Todd: You say it Satay also?

Ivan: Yeah, Satay.

Todd: OK, and that’s mainly chicken on a stick right? Ivan: Chicken, you can go for chicken, you can go for meat, you can go for mutton, anything, liver, anything. And we usually have some kind of special sauce, or ketchup or whatever, like mixed with some weird stuff but… basically it’s ketchup, chili, and salt and some ginger or whatever. Sometimes it’s garlic and you just dip it inside and you eat it and it’s really nice.

Todd: Oh that sounds really good.

(taken from

Saturday, August 9, 2008

a new taste of "Manusia Bodoh"

for the fans of Ada Band, today you can listen to your favorite song with the new arrangement featuring the world class saxophonist "Dave Koz". this song is recycled with a little change in the arrangement and filled with touchy saxophone ornaments by Dave Koz. it makes the song nicer to listen to while you reminisce the events when the song was being "hit". you can listen or download the song by clicking this link:

- Manusia Bodoh feat. Dave Koz

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bill Gates came to Indonesia

a few months ago, the king of software came to Indonesia. one of the interesting programs was "Presidential Lecture" attended by The President of Indonesia who sat next to him, the scholars, professors, businessmen, and many college students from outstanding universities. the funny thing happened was when he was asked by a student of Indonesia about how to boost the achievement in the young age as he did, he answered that there is one thing that shouldn't be followed from him is He didn't finish his college. spontaneously, the audience laughed. you can download the videos in Indonesian version posting.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bill Gates ke Indonesia

Beberapa bulan lalu si Raja software datang ke Indonesia. salah satu acaranya yaitu diadakan "Presidential lecture" dimana dihadiri oleh bapak Presiden RI yang duduk di sebelahnya dan para undangan yang masih kuliah, yang bergelar S1, S2, bahkan S3, dan para pengusaha besar di Indonesia. Lucunya ketika ditanya tentang bagaimana membuat prestasi yang cemerlang di umur muda seperti yang dilakukan Bill Gates, dalam jawabannya dia mengatakan ada satu hal yang jangan ditiru dari nya yaitu Dia tidak melanjutkan kuliahnya sampai lulus alias DO, spontan para pengunjung tertawa. Berikut rekamannya bisa anda download berupa file flv dan mp4:

Bill gates video 1
Bill gates video 2

Saturday, August 2, 2008

PTC Indonesia Pertama

Buat kamu-kamu yang sering internet-an atau duduk berlama-lama di depan komputer sambil browsing, mendingan kamu ikutan PTC (Paid To Click). PTC adalah cara mendapatkan uang gratis di internet. Kita akan dibayar oleh website penyedia layanan PTC setiap kita meng-klik iklan yang mereka hadirkan. Asyik kan? kamu bisa ikutan dgn gratis, tapi setelah itu dapet duit.

- Per klik anda di bayar Rp 100
- Per klik referral Rp 50
- Minimum penarikan Rp 50.000

Dibayar lewat transfer Bank BCA atau MANDIRI.

Join klik di sini: klik rupiah

Untuk PTC asing/luar negeri kamu bisa join dengan klik beberapa alamat di bawah ini:

1. www.Bux





6. www.Turbo

7. www.Daddy

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Midi Collections

1 Kesempatan Kedua - Tangga

2 Selalu Mengalah_Seventeen

3 Sadis_Afgan

4 Tinggal Kenangan_Gaby

5 Dik_Wali Band

6 Jangan Pernah Selingkuh - Angkasa

7 Kaulah Hidup Dan Matiku_Naff

8 Dia Milikku-Yovie N Nuno

9 Diantara Kalian-D'Masive

10 Pandangan Pertama-RAN

11 Indah Pada Waktunya_Delon Ft Irene

12 Main Hati-Andra n The Backbone

13 Matahariku - Agnes Monica

14 Terima Kasih Cinta – Afgan

15 Wonder Women_Mulan Jamella

16 A lotta love-3 Diva

17 Hingga Akhir Waktu-Nine Ball

18 Cinta Ini Membunuhku-DMasiv

19 Selamat Malam – Jikuistik

20 Takdir Cinta-Rossa

21 I'm Sorry Goodbye-Kris Dayanti

22 Jalan Cinta(ost ayat2 cinta)_Sherina

23 Kehadiranmu_Vagetoz

24 Ingat Kamu-Maia feat meychan1

25 Janji Suci-Yovie & nuno

26 Mahluk Tuhan Yang Sexy-Mulan Jameela

27 Menjaga Hati-Yovie & Nuno

28 Permintaan Hati-Letto

29 Risau - Melly G.

30 Saat Indah Bersamamu-Ungu band

31 Sang Penghibur-Padi

32 Sejenak-LETTO

33 Sepanjang Hidupku-Pilot

34 SeputihCinta-Melly Goeslaw

35 Sudah Cukup-Republik

36 Tak Selamanya Selingkuh Itu Indah-Merpati band

37 Untuk Pertama Kali-Kerispatih

38 Klik-Ussy S

39 LelakiCadangan-T2

40 Munajat Cinta-The Rock&dewa19

41 Oke-T2


43 Sebelum Cahaya-Letto

44 SelamanyaCinta-Dcinnamons

45 Sempurna-Andra n The Backbone

46 Aku dan Dirimu-Ari Lasso feat BCL

47 Ayat ayat cinta-Rossa

48 Belahan jiwa-Dot band

49 Belum Terlambat-Padi

50 Bukannya Aku Takut_Juliette

51 Biarlah-Nidji

52 Bronies-T2

53 Butterfly-Melly feat andhika P

54 Cinta Dlm Hati_Ungu

55 Ingkar-Bunga CL

56 Jatuh Cinta Lagi ( Playboy)-Matta band

57 Kamu kamulah Sorgaku-Dewa feat the rock

58 11 Januari-GIGI

59 Aduh-Intan nuraini

60 Aku Masih Sayang-ST 12

61 AkuMau-Once

62 Betapa Aku Mencintaimu-Vagetoz

63 BABY DOLL-Utopia

64 Dr Cinta-Dewi-Dewi

65 Hanya_Ingin_Kau_Tahu_-_Republik

66 KekasihSejati-MONITA_IDOL_

67 KemenanganHati-GeaFtDirly

68 Kepingan Hati-Terry

69 Ketahuan-Matta Band

70 Kisah Tak Sempurna-Samsons

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Trip the best students to Singapore

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SMAN 2 Tangerang 1985-1988

ini photo2 anak2 Smanduta lulusan 1988. buat temen2 yang buka blog ini yg merasa satu angkatan silahkan kirim e- mail ke: siapa tahu kita bisa koordinasi buat ngadain acara reunian.


penataran OSIS 86-87